Are dogs allowed at the Alhambra Pumpkin Run Halloween Festival?
We love your pups….however, dogs are not allowed at the event and run.
The City of Alhambra has a no dog policy at their Farmers Market. California Health & Safety Code 114259.5 stipulates that live animals are not allowed in Certified Farmers Markets and permitted food facilities, with the exception of service animals. Fraudulently misrepresenting service animals is a misdemeanor (California Penal Code 265.7 [a]).
Please make plans to leave your animal at a safe place outside of the market and run.
Thank you for understanding.
Can I pick up my family’s, friend’s, or team’s race packets?
Yes. Please make sure to indicate their bib# and name on your windshield when driving through.
If you are planning to pick up more than 3 packs, please email [email protected] so that we can arrange to have them grouped together for faster service.
What if I cannot run the 5k? May I walk?
Yes! Of course you may walk. The Alhambra 5K Pumpkin Run is a run and walk.
Is there a separate 5K start time for walkers?
No. The 5K run and walk will begin at 8:00 am. You do not need to sign-up separately to walk. If you choose to run, line up with the runners at the front of the start line. Fastest runners please set-up closest to the start-line. If you’re a walker, please line-up in the back of the start-line.
Is this run timed? Where do I get my time after the run?
Yes. This event is chip timed which means your race time begins when you cross the start-line and ends when you cross the finish line. For this reason, you do not need to crowd the starting line trying to be the first person to take off. Cut-off for official timed results is 8:15 AM – no exceptions!
FINISH LINE: Be sure to run across the timing mat at the arch to end your official time.
BIB NUMBERS & TIMING CHIPS: DO NOT FORGET YOUR BIB!! REMEMBER YOUR BIB! Your race bib is chipped for timing and must be pinned to the FRONT of your shirt. We cannot replace any bibs forgotten at home and everyone must have a bib to participate in the 5K. Please note that we do not chip time your 1K run.
Is this run a fun run or a competitive run?
The Alhambra Pumpkin Run is both a competitive run and fun family run! The race is timed with professional chip timing. All runners must begin at the Start Line by 8:15am in order for their run to be recorded.
What if it rains?
Rain or shine Pumpkees! The run must go on. “A little rain ain’t hurt nobody.” We’re hard core like that. Wooo!
May I run/walk with a stroller in the 5K?
Yes. Strollers are allowed in the 5K. Running strollers are preferred. However, wagons, bikes, tricycles, roller skates and other moving equipment are NOT allowed in the 5K. If you’re a slower runner, please start the race in the back with your stroller so you’re not slowing other runners down with a stroller in their way. Thanks!
I am interested in volunteering at this event? How do I sign-up to volunteer?
Awesome! We love to help! We have positions open to cheer on runners, work our registration area, help with stuffing swag bags and more. If you’re a solo volunteer or have a club that would like to volunteer for service hours we’d be honored to have you.
Please EMAIL us here: [email protected]
What may I NOT bring to the 5K?
*Bikes / Tricycles
*Pets / dogs
*Roller Skates/Rollerblades
*Alcohol & drugs (Of course!)
*Glass containers
*Flip flops and open toed sandals are not allowed for use in the 5K. Please bring and wear athletic shoes for the run/walk for your safety and foot care.
Is there Wi-Fi at Alhambra Pumpkin Run?
Unfortunately, there is no public Wi-Fi at the event.
Will there be food at The Alhambra Pumpkin Run Halloween Festival?
YES! We’ll have a variety of food vendors with hot and cold food located north of the main stage near the Farmer’s Market beginning at 7am. There are also many restaurants on Main Street open for business during the event (please check their business hours for that particular business).
I would like to have a vendor booth at Pumpkin Run? Do you offer vendor space?
Yes we do! Please email us at [email protected] to receive a vendor application.
Can we use other race apps to time and map our run?
Yes! You are welcome to use whatever app you are familiar with to time your run. We listed suggestions for runners/walkers that may not know of any to use.
What are the shirt sizes?
See the sizing chart below.